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The Primo Geezer |
Please add to the list by using the Comment option below, (you can do this anonymously if you wish) and if you're interested in further explorations into the vagaries of being "youth-challenged," see my Geezerhood collection of posts.
- You and your pharmacist are on a first-name basis.
- You get the senior discount without asking.
- People start to call you "Sir" (Geezers) or Ma'am (Geezerettes) or "Hon" (either).
- Competitive Complaining is the usual style of conversation among your circle of friends.
- People seem to want to carefully explain things to you, usually at a high volume level.
- Teenagers want to borrow your clothes for their "retro" parties.
- You don't recognize the names of any current pop music artists.
- You see more doctors in one month than you used to see in ten years.
- The smell of coffee can keep you awake for days.
- People start offering you their seat on a bus, and sometimes have a concerned look on their face.
- You start getting offers in the mail for free hearing tests, supplemental insurance, and hemorrhoid creams.
- When you travel you carry a special satchel full of medications.
- At the TSA Security checkpoint the officer patronizingly asks if you have any metal implants -- and unfortunately you have to answer "yes."
- You can remember events from 20 years ago but not why you came into a room just now.
- Naps are no longer just nice, they're a necessity
- You know the name of the man in the photo above.
you know you are a geezer when
the techs at the hospital refer to you as “young man”
You get unsolicited offers in the mail to buy your house
you are constantly getting scam calls form someone “working closely with Medicare” to get you leg braces and walkers
Good ones!
I guess I am in early geezerhood. Here are some for me:
1. I still love going to concerts, but the music is too loud.
2. I don’t go to certain restaurants I like because the noise level is too loud to carry on a conversation.
3. I am going to Europe next year but I am anxious one of my chronic conditions will act up.
4. I can’t lift more than 12 pounds without my back going out.
5. Teeth have to be cleaned 4 times a year now.
I could go on, but you get it.
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