Saturday, June 8, 2024

Pele Burps up a Passport, Solar Panels Almost!

Note: This is another blog based on my weekly emails to my family on the mainland.]

Aloha All --
Another eventful week here!  No tornadoes or heat domes, however.  Sure hope your mainland weather settles down.
On Monday two significant events occurred,  First, Pele spit up a little lava.  The eruption only lasted a few hours and was in an area to the south of the main caldera, so few people were able to see it.  The last eruption in this area was in 1974 and was also very short, which turns out to be characteristic of the region.  The explanation is that nearby Mauna Loa pinches off the lava supply channels whereas the supply is less obstructed in other areas.  Anyway, if you saw any video or photos of the eruption they were from a quick helicopter overflight by the volcanologists. They also deployed a web cam but all it has been showing is some smoke.  While the eruption was occurring the SO2 emissions hit 15k tons per day, but quickly backed off to their current 2k tons.  This was enough, however, to give us some vog for a few days -- a reminder of the more normal state of affairs. The official word is now that this is over and done, unlikely to resume at that same location.  However, signs of magma movement are still present, so another burp may soon occur elsewhere.  
A second significant event on Monday was the arrival in the mail of Karen;s passport!  Wow, that was impressively fast -- just under two weeks!  So that officially ends the saga of the lost passports.  The new ones have an alert on the opening page that says "This is a replacement for a lost passport." I hope this doesn't trigger any special treatment going through Customs and Immigration.  We'll see.  Otherwise, we're good to go and our trip to exotic Canada is on track for July.

Speaking of travel, we have begun to do some serious planning for our November return to SE Asia.  I've contacted a company that does custom tours of Cambodia and we'll be going back and forth to see what they can put together for us.  

The last of our big events this week was yesterday, when the crew returned to put our new solar pool
So Close!!!
panels on the roof. It took a few hours and rain kept threatening to interrupt the job, but they got it done.  Unfortunately, when they tested he system by running water through it they discovered one of the fittings from the old installation was leaking.  They think they can fix it, but it will require returning with a special tool for removing the old fitting, which  they didn't have with them.  So, we have new valves, new panels, and NO hot water.  The return visit will of course have to be rescheduled, and we haven't heard when that will be yet.  Our warmer weather (particularly at night) has kept the pool temperature at an acceptable level,  so we really don't need much solar heating at the moment. Still, it would be nice to get this project done -- we agreed to the terms last March.

I paid an earlier-than-scheduled visit to my optometrist on Wednesday because my current prescription just isn't helping the way I think it should, especially for far distance and for close up work.  He tweaked the prescription and I  have a new pair of cheap-o's on the way.  I sure hope they help.. I will be seeing my retina doctor on Tuesday and will likely have another injection in the left eye.  Both my retina doc and the optometrist are still optimistic but my subjective experience doesn't match.  If I do get back near my previous level I'll never take it for granted again!

Ok, that's enough for now.  Off for our usual Saturday morning jaunt to market and the beach.  Take care, and keep in mind that assertions about reality require evidence, not just opinion. 

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