Saturday, August 31, 2024

Storm? Waikiki Anniversary, Truffles & Surgery

[Note: This is another blog based on my weekly emails to my family on the mainland.]

Aloha All -- 
Tropical storm Hone turned out to be a fizzle for us here in Kona. We had hardly any wind and only 1.5" of rain at our house. Radar showed some pretty vigorous action elsewhere in the state, and there was some localized flooding that made for dramatic news video.  But Hawaii's problems didn't compare at all to the flooding, fires, volcanoes, deadly heat, etc,, etc. elsewhere in the world.  This weekend we might get some more rain as the remnants of hurricane Gilma passes by to our north, but otherwise things are pretty quiet. BTW, I was amused last Sunday when we went to Costco before the storm was scheduled to arrive -- the shrewd manager had quickly made a big display featuring emergency electric generators and warm clothing.  Oh, and people were hauling out big loads of Hawaii's essential emergencysupplies -- rice and toilet paper.

The storm had pretty well cleared from around Oahu when we flew there Monday afternoon.  Karen's surgery wasn't until Tuesday morning but we wanted to go early and have our 57th anniversary dinner in Waikiki.  We went to a restaurant named Orchid in the Halekulani hotel and it was excellent, even by our high foodie standards.  The setting was very nice also -- right on the beach at sunset.  Karen's surgery went
very smoothly again -- actually better because she didn't get nauseous this time.  As before, she has had no pain whatsoever with only numbing drops as anesthesia.  Her checkup the next morning showed that everything was going well,   Her eyesight has improved steadily since then and now it will just be a matter of time for both eyes to heal completely and for her brain to coordinate the two images, one near the other far. During her checkup Karen mentioned my recent eye problems and the surgeon took a quick look (!). She saw nothing dramatically wrong and confirmed that although I have a mild cataract problem it isn't enough to account for my sudden downturn.  She knows my eye doctor that I will be seeing on Tuesday and was confident he would figure it out -- I sure hope so.

We spent the remainder of the day (Wednesday) at the enormous nearby Ala Moana Shopping Center.  This involved lots of shopping, of course, but also another gourmet meal at a rooftop restaurant in the upscale Neiman Marcus department store.  One of the dishes was a seafood combination of scallops and shrimp, with a cream sauce that contained bits of truffle, a really delicious treat.  We flew home late afternoon, feeling like we had optimized this medical travel about as well as we could.
We've now turned out attention to prepping for our trip next week to Ohio and Colorado. Since we won't be gone all that long (about 2 weeks) it doesn't require quite as extensive preparation as our longer trips do, but there are still lots of house chores to take care of.  We managed to do a workout yesterday at Planet Fitness, though Karen had to take it easy on some of the machines to safeguard her eye.  This will probably be my last missive until we return, so I hope everyone has a good Labor Day  and that you enjoy the end of summer.  Take care, carpe diem.


Anonymous said...

You post one more time about great eating out I will never speak to you again-we have so few options in Otown-maybe we should all move to Hawaii...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on passing one more Senior Rite of Passage, Karen! Based on weather predictions for the near future, bring "warm" clothing for Ohio (and Colarado, no doubt).