Saturday, October 12, 2024

Repositioning Ships, Fall in Hawai'i, Eye Surgery Ahead

[Note: This is another blog based on my weekly emails to my family on the mainland.]

Aloha Everyone --
Poor Florida and other parts of the East!  Two whammies almost back to back.  My condolences and sympathies for whatever losses you might have incurred, and best wishes for recovering.
Here our fall has continued with much less drama.  This is repositioning time, when the cruise ships have sailings to Hawai'i as they get ships from the northern summer routes to more southerly ones.  They
Time to Snooze
usually run a couple of trips from the mainland to the islands, and we've had several in our port in addition to our usual Wednesday visit from the one based permanently in Honolulu.  One even stayed overnight, something that is very rare.  Another sign of fall is that the flowering foliage shifts. For instance our various varieties of plumeria, nearly stop flowering altogether and even lose their leaves.  Many others, of course, bloom more or less year around. It's hardly barren here in the late fall and winter, though --there's always something blooming.  Another sign of fall is the annual Iron Man World Championship  Triathlon that occurs near the end of October.  This year is the men's final, whereas last year it was women's.  This brings in thousands of hard bodies from all over the world, some of which have already arrived to train for the grueling  event.  They are easy to spot -- absolutely no body fat, broad shoulders and narrow hips.  There are usually about 50 professionals who compete, but the ones I admire the most are the 2200 or so amateurs in various age categories who somehow have managed to train in addition to holding jobs.  
This was a pretty light week for physical exertion.  We did manage to work out at Planet Fitness, but we didn't play golf.  Our usual partner was out of comission because she fell off her horse and was too sore to play.  We could have gone alone, but she's an excellent ball spotter, and right now both of us need help. Speaking of eyesight, on Tuesday I had an appointment with my eye surgeon and I've decided to definitely go ahead and have him do my cataracts.  The first one is scheduled for the week after we return from southeast Asia in early December.  The other is scheduled for late January.  I'm doing my worst eye first, though it is doubtful a new lens will help much because that eye has considerable retina damage from my vein occlusion 12 years or so ago.  If it does help that will be a terrific Christmas present! My other eye has a better chance of improvement because the retina is in better shape, even though I've had a vein occlusion in it as well.  

OK, that's it for this week.  We're off to market and breakfast at the beach.  Take care and keep reminding yourself that morality does matter.



Anonymous said...

I wish for great improvement in your sight. But even a little would help 😉

Cecilia said...

I'm also hoping that Santa (in the form of your surgeon) will bring you that great Christmas present!