Sunday, February 2, 2025

Pool Dollies, A.C. Woes, Eye Surgery

Note: This is another blog based on my weekly emails to my family on the mainland. Since much of my news these days relates to trying to age gracefully, this series might be called The Geezer Gazette.]

Aloha Everyone!
Sorry this is a bit late, but on Friday morning I was in Hilo having my second cataract surgery. My vision made it difficult to write until yesterday afternoon.  By the way, the surgery this time went well again, and my first post-op exam early yesterday morning showed things are going ok. It will now just be a matter of time to see how much, if any, this has helped my vision. So far it seems like there is a chance for a slight improvement because even after this short time my vision has not only bounced back to what it was before the operation, it is a smidge better.  This is my "good" eye and as I've mentioned before, it has a better chance than my other eye to benefit from the cataract surgery.  ll keep you posted with future  Geezer Gazette updates.
On the day of my surgery an unusually strong front moved through the state from the northwest to southeast.  It brought high winds and lots of rain -- when we got home Friday afternoon my rain gauge showed a whopping 4.8" total accumulation.  We had some minor flooding and a lot of leaves and other debris in the pool that I had to clean up, but in general we escaped the flooding and wind damage that occurred on Oahu.  Oh, an interesting thing that happened was that schools were closed the day of the storm -- a "rain day" instead of a snow day like we had on the mainland.

A big event early in the week was taking my new Subaru Outback in to finally have the a.c. serviced.  You may remember that last year it went kapoofy just a couple of months after I bought the car ("kapoofy" is a technical term meaning "stopped putting out cool air").  The dealership here has such a lousy service department that it took 1 1/2 months to get the mechanics to try to fix it. They couldn't find any leaks in the system, but the refrigerant was nearly gone.  They recharged it and everything worked ok for awhile. Then last fall the a.c. went out again, and again it took 1 1/2 months to get it looked at. This time they found a leak in the evaporator core -- the main guts of the system, and recommended that it be replaced, This is a very expensive and extensive repair that takes a couple of days.  Fortunately it will be covered by my warranty, which is the good news.  The bad news is that I can't get it done for another 2 months because the service department is so backed up! Later in the week I received one of those automated email surveys asking me to evaluate my recent service department experience.  Guess what I said.....
Top & Bottom
On a more positive note, I finished a fun house project that I'm kind of proud of involving a design improvement for my new pool cover reel .  The old reel that I replaced had casters attached to the end stands that allowed it to be moved and turned easily.  I thought the new stands had that feature too, but it turned out that instead of swiveling casters there were rollers that only allowed movement in one direction.  This is worthless for us, because when we store the reel for the warmer months we maneuver it to the side of the pool deck, requiring a change of axis.  I solved this problem by making a couple of dollies from left over lumber and attaching swivel casters to their bottoms.  When we want to move the reel, all we have to do is put the stands on the dollies.  By the way,
Patent Pending

these dollies are readily available in various sizes for moving furniture and other heavy objects, and I probably could have just bought a couple of pre-made dollies that would have worked ok.  However, by making them myself I was able to custom fit them to the reel stands. There's also the fun and challenge of problem solving, using power tools, and stroking my aging male ego.....
 Take care everyone, Stay warm, stay unburnt, and keep clicking those Ruby Slippers together in case this is all a dream.....


Coleen Hanna said...

Good news about your cataract surgery. I have good eye news too. As geezers, we know that it’s not common for an emerging medical problem to get better. Normally we do our best to keep it from getting worse. My dry eye was causing an assortment of problems including a corneal abrasion which acted up every so often and pretty much stopped me in my tracks. I recently discontinued a cancer related med which apparently was exacerbating the dry eye. I still have that condition, but it is much improved, hurray!

Richard Sherman said...

Yes, that's very good news, and also a cautionary tale that drugs can have unanticipated and hidden side effects. Our bodies are extremely complicated and interdependent systems. A change in one process or part seems to me to very likely cause a ripple effect that medical and chemical science doesn't fully understand nor anticipate. Enjoy your rest stop on the geezer road!

Anonymous said...

Amen to what Dick said about side effects. I got a story from a fellow Geezer recently that was about how her specialist physicians were completely clueless and dismissive about serious side effects she was experiencing. (she did eventually get some relief based on anecdotal accounts, and her PCP could figure out WHY that had helped her).

Coleen Hanna said...

We are fortunate to have good research skills, a questioning attitude, and the ability to self-advocate. The internet is a blessing too. Many people can’t do this and their outcomes are worse than ours.

Richard Sherman said...

As the term implies, Physicians are trained to diagnose and treat physical problems, and for many of them self-reported experiences of side effects are not something they are very tolerant of --their primary goal is alleviating a physical symptom, not making the patient's quality of life experience better. Furthermore, specialists are seldom able to relate their narrowly focused treatment to the patient's broader health context.

Coleen has nailed it,, I think. We have to be our own advocates and insist on participating in treatment decisions. Unfortunately, our skeptical and data-driven training is often at odds with a Physician's "solve-the-problem-forget-the-broader-implications" approach. I've locked horns with almost all of the physicians I've gone to. There have been some notable but rare exceptions, luckily. Karen's recently retired oncologist was one -- she listened to all of Karen's issues, not just those pertaining to cancer, and she showed great skill in dealing with all of them.

Thanks for the comments.

Anonymous said...

Hello, Dolly! Cataract surgery in three weeks, and reporting of all your experiences has been most valuable. Thank you!