Wednesday, August 12, 2020

ZZ Reports from Earth: Group 2

The following reports were received as a single burst transmission from relay station Alpha 3z26. Apparently Zork sent each message on a different date but the relay buffer stored them for later forwarding as a group. 


Encrypted Transmission #003 Agent ZZ to IEC Local Date 11.10.19

Puzzled. Earlier reports said this country is a “democracy” yet most eligible citizens don’t vote and current leader didn’t get most votes. Translation data base wrong? Plz advise.

Encrypted Transmission #004 Agent ZZ to IEC Local Date 11.12.19

Zork here. Note to Planning Council – humans put great importance on imaginary lines between political units. Will die to defend them, kill others to keep them from crossing to same side. We can use this weakness! 

Encrypted Transmission #005 Agent ZZ to IEC Local Date 11.17.19

Current American leader prime example of regressive trend outlined in report. Seems to view all other political units as enemies and as threats. All criticism is personal and "fake." Thrives on internal strife and divisiveness. If he finds out I'm an alien I'll be a puddle of protoplasm...

 End of Transmission from relay station. Complete as sent. Acknowledge Receipt .



SimoneStan said...

Looking forward to reading more Zork reports.

Unknown said...

Him. Perhaps a science fiction book is in your future.

Richard Sherman said...

I should confess that the idea for these reports is based on Mark Twain's "Letters from the Earth" which has a similar setup, and of course there is the common science fiction trope of a secret invasion of alien life forms.

But I don't think I could muster a whole sf book at the level of the excellent writing that is currently available. For a look at my long-standing interest in SciFi, see my past blog, Why Snow Crash? (