Saturday, August 15, 2020

Mainland Missive: An Ark, A Haircut, and A Parka

Note to Snow Crash Readers:  Just a reminder that the Mainland Missive Series is based on weekly emails I send to my family on the mainland.  They can be a little rough and personal.



Aloha All!                                   

Big news this week has been the dramatic rise of Covid 19 cases on Oahu, with the accompanying strain on the health care system. There could not be a clearer experiment showing (a) the contagiousness of this thing and (b) how effective responsible behavior can be to contain it (an unmasked biker rally of 250k doesn’t qualify as responsible, IMHO).  Oahu went from having the pandemic nearly completely under control to record-breaking numbers that are outstripping ICU and hospital facilities in just few weeks. Some of this is due to large cluster outbreaks in prisons and military installations, but mostly it is because loosening restrictions in early July led to large gatherings and unmasked close contact.  Come on people, get a grip!  This isn’t a hoax – it *really* does cost lives and money in terms of expensive hospitalizations and lost business.

In more mundane news, our wet and cool weather is getting ridiculous.  On Tuesday night it rained 1.4" at our house, then another .7" on Wednesday night, and on Thursday night yet another .6" .  Notice I said “night.”  This almost always begins in late afternoon and continues into evening – our days start with beautiful mornings and then clouds move in later. And living at 800' on the Kona coast we frequently are able to watch a colorful sunset even while it is dumping rain. We had a couple of really sunny days last week and my solar pv system was able to nearly wipe out the month’s deficit, but then the cloudy pattern returned and we are back to being in the red, though not that deep.  Our meters are read on the 20th, so we could still get enough to break even if we get a bit more sun.

In addition to being wet, our cool temps are continuing – on Thursday night it got down to 67! Break out the parka! In a house that can’t be closed up entirely and has no insulation or heat, that can feel pretty chilly.  Usually at this time of year the low might be around 72-74.  Strange times we live in, right?

Three pleasant things happened this week.  I got my hair cut again (what a treat, despite all the precautions), so I’m ready for another lockdown if it comes.  On Wednesday Karen & I worked out at PF (only about 10 other people, all masked) then had a Vietnamese Lemon Grass Chicken sandwich from one of our favorite restaurants (Bale), which we took to a beach park near the airport.  Weather was gorgeous – until we got back home.  Finally, my handy man came on Thursday and we finished repairing the lanai railing I’ve been working on.  Always a good feeling to finish a project....until you realize there are 6 more waiting.

Ok, that’s it.  Off the market, breakfast picnic, and then our PF workout.  Take care everybody, stay comfy, safe, and as sane as you can.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

ZZ Reports from Earth: Group 2

The following reports were received as a single burst transmission from relay station Alpha 3z26. Apparently Zork sent each message on a different date but the relay buffer stored them for later forwarding as a group. 


Encrypted Transmission #003 Agent ZZ to IEC Local Date 11.10.19

Puzzled. Earlier reports said this country is a “democracy” yet most eligible citizens don’t vote and current leader didn’t get most votes. Translation data base wrong? Plz advise.

Encrypted Transmission #004 Agent ZZ to IEC Local Date 11.12.19

Zork here. Note to Planning Council – humans put great importance on imaginary lines between political units. Will die to defend them, kill others to keep them from crossing to same side. We can use this weakness! 

Encrypted Transmission #005 Agent ZZ to IEC Local Date 11.17.19

Current American leader prime example of regressive trend outlined in report. Seems to view all other political units as enemies and as threats. All criticism is personal and "fake." Thrives on internal strife and divisiveness. If he finds out I'm an alien I'll be a puddle of protoplasm...

 End of Transmission from relay station. Complete as sent. Acknowledge Receipt .


Monday, August 10, 2020

Mainland Missive: Techno-Toy Turnaround


Aloha Everybody!                    

This was a very quiet week – same same but different as we ride out the pandemic here in paradise.

On Wednesday Karen played golf and made it fairly dry until the last hole, then got rather drenched.  That day was cloudy at home, too, but the rain held off until later in the day.  I went to Planet Fitness while Karen was playing golf and was pleased there weren’t very many people. Gyms are of course one of the highest risk places because of the huffing and puffing going on.  As I mentioned before, we are monitoring the situation there closely and will stop going if we think it is too risky.  But now that everybody is wearing masks the whole time, this particular gym seems ok – lots of room with machines spread out, and all the huffers and puffers faced away from those machines we use.  Also, we have been going when few people were there working out, and if it ever seemed too busy we’d leave.

Hawai’i is having a real upsurge in CV cases, as you may have heard.  This is mainly on Oahu, but we have also seen an increase.  On Oahu there have been several days of record-breaking new cases, and the ICU availability is getting tight.  The analysis seems to be that if we have a week of triple digit increases this will soon overwhelm the health care system.  The Governor has warned that things may have to be locked down again unless people start behaving responsibly, namely by wearing masks and avoiding large groups, even groups of friends and family.  This week interisland travel restrictions started again, but with a twist. If you go from here (or one of the other neighbor islands)  to Oahu you won’t have to quarantine, but when you return you will. Many of us on the other islands who are watching the big upsurge on Oahu are thinking this is a good idea. Still, a big bummer.

In other news, here’s further evidence of my weirdness.  On Thursday I my new techno-toy computer was delivered and on Friday I returned it to the local Costco.  As I mentioned, this toy had all the bells, whistles, and firepower I was looking for, except that the solid state drive was too small.  The plan was to swap out the smaller one with a larger 1tb drive I bought online.  I’ve done this before and assumed I could do it with this model.  Before I even fired up the new computer for the first time, I checked inside to assure myself that I could do the job.  Whoa!  This was like the difference between looking under the hood of an old Chevy and under the hood of a Ferrari.  I couldn’t even FIND the SSD drive!  Getting to it would require some serious dismantling of the innards, unlike the procedure I’ve done before.  So back it went.  Costco’s return policy was a godsend here – no questions asked, though I did explain it to the clerk.  Back down the internet rabbit hole to find another one.

Ok.  I hope you are all well and comfy there.  Carpe Diem!

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Mainland Missive: A Viral Birthday


Another Week, Another Year Older

Aloha Everyone –

Hope you’re staying cool.  Mainland weather seems a bit toasty.  We’re still in the sunny-morning-then–cloudy-with-late-afternoon-showers pattern that doesn’t seem to want to go away.  High temps at our elevation top out about 85.  It has been warm a couple of nights (and muggy with all the rain) so we’ve actually tried our new bedroom a.c. that we had installed last spring.  So far so good, though we’re still tuning it for fan speed and direction.  I don’t like a.c. in general, but I really don’t like it when it blows directly on you.

Karen played golf again on Monday and lucked out with only light mist instead of the out-and-out rain she has encountered the last few times.  On Wednesday we went for a hike instead of going to Planet Fitness.  This was in honor of my birthday, which was pretty good actually.  I had wanted to hike a trail on the side of Hualalai that is not far from the golf course where Karen usually plays.  It is a very interesting trail through the cloud forest at about 4k feet elevation. I like it because a lot of the vegetation is native and it’s not too challenging. There are also quite a few native birds that are hard to spot but easy to hear. However, when we got to the trailhead it was starting to rain (!) so we decided to go further north to find something drier.  On the way we stopped at the Makalei golf course parking lot so I could pet a resident cat there, and that was a nice present for the cat-lover in me.

We wound up doing a 3.5 mile hike through an Ohia forest at the base of a cinder cone called Pu’u Wa’a Wa’a (note – 6 vowels and 3 consonants).  We have done this before, but it seemed long and tiring this time since we haven’ been hiking in almost a year. We were also stiff and sore the next day, which means that must have been using muscles in a different way than at Planet Fitness. After the hike we had a picnic lunch at one of our favorite spots along the shore, an historic site that was once a large Hawaiian settlement.  After some shopping at Walmart on the way home, my final present was a nice long nap! 

I was supposed to see my retina doc yesterday but it was re-scheduled for today.  Good chance I may need an injection – my acuity in my bad eyes seems to be slipping again.  I’ll let you know.

House projects include the usual whacking back stuff, and I’m starting to repair some rotten slats I discovered on one section of lanai railing.  I’m trying to redesign it so the slats will be more maintenance-free, probably with plastic lattice work.  As with most house projects, it’s often both a mental and a physical challenge.

Ok, that’s it for now.  Off to Farmers’ Market, our usual beach breakfast picnic, then a session at Planet Fitness followed by my eyeball appointment.  Take care.  Stay cool, healthy, and sane........

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Introducing Zork Zynt, Intergalactic Field Agent (Spy)

Zork's official bio for the Directory of Intergalactic Field Agents is reproduced here:
Zork Zynt  Cultural Analyst, Supreme Intergalactic Expeditionary Council. Transmorgified on planet xv406.98 ("Earth"), local date 11.4.2019 to follow up earlier reports regarding suitability of local species for exploitation. Unfortunately Zork could not adapt to local conditions and had to be recalled prematurely.  Currently under neurological treatment and rehabilitation on Xyborg 6 for extreme stress and disorientation.
While on earth Zork sent sporadic reports about his observations of earthlings in a political unit called "America." Due to the primitive local infrastructure and extreme distance of transmission, the reports were very short and were often received in clusters of 2-3 at a time.  They will be released in the same manner, beginning with those reproduce below.

As his assignment progressed Zork became more and more deranged by his contact with earth culture and eventually had to be removed for his own well-being. His reports are a cautionary tale to be considered carefully in expeditionary planning.

Encrypted Transmission #001 Agent ZZ to IEC Local Date Nov72019
Zork here on Earth. Transmorgification went ok, but still not used to this human body. Leaks all the time and requires energy inputs that just pass through. Also the more palatable the inputs the greater damage they do. Getting very fond of something called “Krispy Kremes.”

Encrypted Transmission #002 Agent ZZ to IEC Local Date Nov72019
Materialized in a place called “America.” Past recon agents must have been high on gorxinger worms. Very dangerous. Weapons for waging war everywhere and easy for anyone to obtain. Send a Level 4 Neutralizer to replace my current Level 1. Hope I survive this...

End of Transmission. Complete as sent. Acknowledge Receipt .

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Mainland Missive: Dodging Dougie and Going Down A Rabbit Hole


Aloha Everybody!

Well, Dougie missed – just barely for some islands.  The hurricane passed north of our island far enough that we got nada, zip, zilch.  As it went further east it edged closer to each island, and for a while it looked like it might hit Kaua’i dead on.  However, even that island got spared because the eyewall stayed about 30 miles offshore.  They got buckets of rain, but that’s not at all unusual for them, even without a hurricane. Ok, that’s all the good news.  The sobering part is that Dougie held together as it went by all the islands, staying a Category 1 hurricane even as it passed over northern waters.  These waters have been warming over the last several years (leading to some coral bleaching, unfortunately), and so the storm’s energy wasn’t sapped as much as it might have been in earlier years.  If this continues it doesn't bode well for future storms that come our way.  Stay tuned.
My 8-year old desktop computer started giving me problems this week, and this prompted a deep dive down the internet rabbit hole to research new ones.  A problem living in Hawai’i is that warranty service and returns may be 2000 miles away.  We also have very few options of in-store buying.  Many of us have found that Costco is our best bet, because they automatically extend the warranty and you can easily return something to the local store if it breaks, doesn’t work, or you just don’t like it – even if you bought it at and had it shipped here.  I have settled on a big bad boy (HP All-In-One) from Costco that has *almost* all the features I want.  The exception is that the SSD drive isn’t as large as I think it should be.  My solution is to buy a larger drive online and then swap out the old one.  I’ve done this twice before, once on a laptop and once on the desktop, so I think I can do it with this one (with the help of You Tube, of course).  I’ll let you know.

Our rainy and cloudy weather continues, and we locals are getting very tired of it.  Evidence that this is unusual comes from my water bill (lowest in 2 years) and from my pv system – in the red for 5 of the last 6 months, which has never happened since it was activated 6 years ago.  This summer has been the coolest and wettest we can remember.  Good thing we haven’t had a lot of  tourists because they would be very unhappy.

Oahu is getting record numbers of new Covid cases, but the other islands (us included) have stayed level.  We want to keep it that way, and we were glad when the Governor extended the traveler quarantine order until September.  Big debate now is over reopening schools.  I think this could be done safely on our island but Oahu has to get it under control.  The Oahu outbreak is attributed to greater population density and to bad behavior during the July 4th weekend.

Ok, that’s it for this week.  Off to Farmers’ Market, breakfast picnic, and Planet Fitness.  Take care, Stay cool, safe, and sane.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Mainland Missive: 3 Doctors, 2 Frogs, and a Hurricane


3 Doctors, 2 Frogs, and a Hurricane

Aloha Everybody

Last Saturday I saw my retina specialist and indeed had to have an injection – the edema had come back bigly.  However, it had been 2 ½ months since my last injection, so it shows the new drug (Eylea) really does work well for me.  We followed the special prep procedure (very little numbing solution, only at the injection site) and I didn’t have any problems at all with the injection itself. My acuity snapped back within a couple of days (well, to it’s former 20/60, anyway), so I think things are about as good as I can hope for.

Speaking of doctors, I also “saw” my internist on Monday.  This was a video visit to go over my routine blood work, which was all good.  It worked pretty well, but of course there was no poke- and-prod to look for other issues.  He is still seeing patients in person if they really need it or can’t do the tech visit, but for the current Covid crisis this seemed like a good solution.  Of course, I to had get my blood sucked at the lab in person, which poses some risk. I read him my home bp numbers and mentioned it had been going up since April.  Rather than point to the obvious association with stress, the pandemic, Trump, and general world disintegration, he thinks it’s due to the fact that as we get older the kidneys can’t get rid of sodium as well.  So I’m now trying a diuretic in addition to my regular bp medication.  Oh boy, another pill to pop.

On Wednesday Karen went for her yearly skin check with our dermatologist.  This was of course in person and very up-close-and-personal.  The procedure is that you wait in your car until they text you, then masked up you go in for your appointment.  Risky but in Karen’s case probably worth it.  No problems to report, so it was a good visit.

I finally caught the coqui frog that had moved into our front garden. Amazing how loud something that small can be (the size of a quarter) and how hard they can be to find.  Then a few nights later I caught another one down below our house in the lower garden that I think had just moved in from our neighbors lot.  Definitely on a roll!  Only a few hundred to go!  Our wet weather has been ideal for them and I’m certain they have been reproducing like crazy. Remember, these were accidentally imported from Puerto Rico, and they have no natural predators here.

Just to add to all of the other chaos these days, tomorrow hurricane Douglas will be moving through. In our specific location this will likely prove to be more or less a non-event.  These storms approach from the east and usually pass south of islands.  The troublesome ones, though, take a gradual turn north and hit the windward side of the islands.  We, of course, have two 13k mountains (aka volcanoes) that give us a lot of protection.  Hilo, though, can get really smashed. Another track is a bit more strange, which is that a hurricane passes south of our island but close enough to be influenced by Mauna Loa.  This causes a sharp northward turn that can bring a hurricane up along our leeward coast on its way to whack Kaua’i.  Douglass won’t do that, and instead is aiming for the windward coasts of the northern islands.  At this moment the predicted track will take it north of our island but may cause problems for Maui, Oahu, and especially Kaua’i.  The good news is that the further north it goes, the cooler water will sap its strength. Interesting, eh?

Ok, it’s nice at the moment so we’re off on our usual Saturday morning routine.  Carpe diem!

Stay safe, sane and healthy.